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Apsara Arts

Croydon Walking Group ,   Croydon ,   Apsara Arts ,   Ethnic Minorities, Women ,   2023 ,   £ 9,066  

Apsara Arts is an Asian Arts & Heritage organisation. It fosters cultural accessibility, celebrating diverse arts to enrich community life. They develop participatory initiatives that promote heritage and the arts in community and educational settings with the help of committed volunteers and artists. They offer classes, workshops, Indian folk, Bollywood, and Kathak performances. In addition, they have organized and produced movies, themed dance performances, carnival processions, and events. Beginning in 2007, Apsara Arts has been a crucial collaborator with the Council in the creation of the Croydon Mela. They have collaborated with the Museum of Croydon, the Honeywood Museum, and the Bromley Museum to offer historical programs that involve local communities in learning through workshops, performances, oral history, and exhibitions and videos.

The walking project is intended for men and women, both with and without children, who frequently avoid participating in mainstream activities because of linguistic, cultural, or economical obstacles. Due to their lifestyle choices and lack of exercise, many of these ladies’ experience health problems. To break the ice and promote social contact, the stroll culminates in a sit-down at the tea café after a fun warm-up movement and breathing method. Participants in the Croydon walking group come from a variety of age groups, spiritual traditions, and ethnic backgrounds. These walks are meant to improve their emotional and physical well-being.

It is expected that 30 participants will take part in the first year, 20 in the second year and 15 in the third year and the group has successfully met their targets so far.  At the end of first year walking group organised a picnic for the participants to reward them for their commitment towards walking. Walk leaders also encourages participants to volunteer in supporting walks and will provide suitable training and support.

The Croydon Walking Group is currently in the second year of this project's delivery. For these people, WCGL has been crucial in helping them walk more and maintain their physical and mental health.

