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Application process

Applications for the Walking and Cycling Grants London (WCGL) and the Community Ideas Grants (CIG) are now open and close on Monday 9 September 2024, 10am. 


Walking and Cycling Grants London Application

Apply here for a Walking and Cycling Grant London (WCGL). After successfully completing a short survey the link to the application will be located on the last page. 

To apply for a WCGL your organisation must eith be:

•    A constituted community group (an organisation or association of persons with the primary aim of working to provide services and benefits to the community)
•    A not for profit organisation, community interest company (CIC) or social enterprise
•    A charity or third sector organisation

Community Idea Grant Application

To apply for the Community Idea Grants, please ensure you are eligible to apply before starting an applications. To be eligible your organisation must

• operate within greater London

• have received grants funding totalling less than £10,000 last year (this includes organisations with no grant income), or have an income of less than £50,000; or both.

• not have previously been funded by Walking and Cycling Grants London;  

and be one of the following groups:

• a constituted or unconstituted community organisation

• a charity or third sector organisation

• a not-for-profit organisation, community interest company (CIC) or social enterprise 

Please view the templated project ideas you can run in your community, call us to discuss your project idea, and then click HERE to apply. or call 020 7239 1286



Ask Questions

Think about why you are wanting to run a walking and cycling project? What problem are you trying to solve? How are you going to solve it? Who is going to be involved - the participants, the volunteers, the coordinators? Where will it take place?

Talk to the people in your community and talk to us if you have any questions


Take a look around the Community Ideas Hub, the Case Studies and the WCGL blog, and get ideas for your project from previous grant recipients.

You could use one of the Project ideas as the basis of your project 


Find out how to put your project idea on the page; you'll now need to start thinking about timelines, budget, participant numbers, equipment. Look through the Community Ideas Hub project ideas for tips, and make sure you read all of the guides; Pre application information sheet; Guide to planning your project, and the Application guidelines.


Now start to flesh out your project - Look through the model application form, start to write down clear and concise answers to each question. If you're not sure, contact us for help.




Now you are ready to start your application. Give yourself plenty of time before the deadline; it may take longer than you think. Ask us questions along the way if you're unsure of anything. Once completed and you're fully happy with it, submit your application. Good luck!
